Monographic study of Terminalia albida used in the treatment of malaria in Guinean traditional medicine: A literature review

TRAORE Mohamed Sahar 1,2,*, CAMARA Aïssata 1,2,3, FOURASTE Isabelle 3, BALDE Mamadou Aliou 1,2, BALDE Elhadj Saïdou 1,2, AUBOUY Agnès 3, and BALDE Aliou Mamadou 1,2. 1Institute for Research and Development of Medicinal and Food Plants of Guinea (IRDPMAG), Dubréka, Guinea. 2Department of Pharmacy, University Gamal Abdel Nasser of Conakry, BP 1017, Guinea. 3UMR 152 PHARMADEV, IRD,...

Biological and Phytochemical Investigations on Caesalpinia benthamiana, a Plant Traditionally Used as Antimalarial in Guinea

Jean Loua,1 Mohamed Sahar Traore,1,2 Aissata Camara,1,2 Mamadou Aliou Balde,1,2 Louis Maes,3 Luc Pieters,4 and Aliou Mamadou Balde1,2 1 Research and Valorization Center on Medicinal Plants, Dubreka, Guinea 2 Department of Pharmacy, University Gamal Abdel Nasser of Conakry, Conakry, Guinea 3 Laboratory of Microbiology, Parasitology and Hygiene (LMPH), Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein...